
Geschiedenisfeit: Dysenterie
Bron: Tsch.Gesch.Gnk.Natuurw.Wisk.Techn.9 (1986); M.P.H.M. Dings, Muntstraat 114, 5931 LW Tegelen
Plaats: Venlo
Jaar: 1702


Nadere informatie: Tabel I: Het aantal begravenen per week in Venlo in de dysenterie-periode, augustus-december 1702. .. In 1702. the town of Venlo (province of Limburg), with a mainly catholic population (95%), was struck by a dy.sentery-epidemic. From the register of deaths of the catholic parish of St. Martin it appears that 511 people died from August until December of that year. This was about 10% of the inhabitants. The epidemic was not limited to Venlo. Research in the registers of deaths in a large number of parishes in Limburg shows that the disease reigned in the whole of the province. The epidemic started outside Limburg. In July, dysentery reigned in the neighbourhood of Nijmegen and the German city of Cleves. In August it spread to the northern part of Limburg. The next month the middle and southern part of the province were reached, although the epidemic lost in strength. In most places the disease lasted until the cold weather of November. An important factor in the origin of the dysentery-epidemic was the hot, dry summer of 1702. This caused a deterioration of the water-quality. The population was in a poor physical condition because of food-shortages in the preceding autumn and winter. The food-situation was worsened by a large concentration of soldiers. In 1702, Limburg was a major theatre of operations in the War of Spanish Succession. An important factor in the spreading of the dysentery was the movement of the armies. This movement ran almost parallel with the spreading of the disease. A remarkable thing for Venlo was the fact that there, two dysentery-attacks followed one another. The first was brought about by the above-mentioned causes. The second probably was the result of a siege which lasted for almost a month. This siege once more made the inhabitants vulnerable.
