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3 Generations forefathers en parents
Teunis van der Tang *1793Maartje Langhout *1768Jacobus van der Knijff *1781Lijntje Huizer *1756Klaas Markus *1778Jannigje Douwe *1753Jan Maartense de Jong *1785Annigje Schinkel *1760Jacob Biemond *1783Martijntje van der Spek *1783Cornelis Klapwijk *1787Pleuntje Rodenburg *1762Jan van den Bos *1777Marijtje Tol *1752Pieter Dullaart *1778Arijaantje Krijgsman *1753
Maarten van der Tang *1812Johanna van der Knijff *1787Louwerens Markus *1803Chiela de Jong *1810Jacob Biemond *1813Lijdia Klapwijk *1813Teunis van den Bos *1802Neeltje Dullaart *1803
Jacobus van der Tang *1846Annigje Markus *1833NN *1832Maria Bos *1807
Laurens van der Tang *1872Lijdia Biemond *1856

Information sheet of Neeltje van der Tang

Additional information
Brothers and sisters (∞ partners):
[M] Jacob van der Tang
                    ∞ [F] Pieternella Adriana Trouborst
[M] Maarten van der Tang
                    ∞ [F] Lena Elisabeth van Tol
[F] Chiela Joanna van der Tang
                    ∞ [M] Adrianus Pols
[F] Joanna van der Tang
                    ∞ [M] Leendert Bos
[F] Maria van der Tang
                    ∞ [M] Gerrit Korstiaan Timmerman
[F] Annigje van der Tang
                    ∞ [M] Cornelis Vogelaar
[F] Apolonia van der Tang
[M] Laurens van der Tang
[M] NN van der Tang
[F] Joánna van der Tang
[F] Chiela Joanna van der Tang
[F] Neeltje van der Tang
[F] Jacoba van der Tang
[F] Joanna van der Tang
[M] Jacobus van der Tang
[M] Maarten van der Tang
[F] Apolonia van der Tang
[M] Laurens van der Tang
[M] Laurens van der Tang
                    ∞ [F] Jannetje Cornelia Breugem
[M] Pieter van der Tang
[M] Teunis van der Tang

Partner [M] Simon Wigboldus

Date of marriage : 12-06-1924, at Haarlemmermeer, info

Frequently asked questions (FAQ).

- What kind of genealogy information is presented on this site?
answer: www.pondes.nl is showing birth, baptism, deceaded and burial information. This goes back till the year 1600. Also transcripts and legal ancient information is shown. This goes back till 1450.
The eldest information goes back till 1350. This eldest information is found on internet.
The major part is from 1800 until today. A significant part is from the period 1600 till 1800.
The source is mentioned for all shown information.
As good as possible the sources are linked. This is therefore a big reconstrion of family information. This should ease gathering family information. And that is the main goal: facilitating the search of family infomation because is it takes a lot of effort to this alone.
All birth information is older than 100 jaar, marriage information is older than 75 jaar and death data is older 50 years.
Used signs: '∞' means 'married to'.

- I found many of my ancestors. What is the relation with your family?
answer: There is a possibilty, but this possibility is very small.

- What means ABT1853 or 'around 1853' with the presented birth date?
answer: ABT1853 means that this person is born around 1853. This can be wrong if the exact information is not in this database. Sometimes this can differ more than 40 years if the expected date is retrieved from a record that did not mention any birth information.

- The date of birth is far from correct? The date is just after or before the date of marriage?
answer: The date of birth is calculated if specific information was not found. A calculated date is retrieved from the deceased date by substracting 10 years of the deceased date. The birth information will automatically improve if birth of baptism information is found.

Improvements and additions:
Please send your improvements and additions as a ged file, Excel or MS Access file to bricht@pondes.nl (replace 'bricht' in bericht).Please do not send unstructered text files like with MS-Word or a Pedigree file. Usefull information in these text files take a lot of effort to transform to the database.
A ged file can be made with Personal Ancestral File (PAF), Genopro, Aldfaer or one of many other genealogy programs.

© A. Pondes, 2004.
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